Pattern Decoder Features:

Pattern Decoder is a program that turns knitting patterns into personalized step by step directions that is easy to follow and track your progress. No more writing out pattern repeats or At the Same Time instructions. See below for pictures of how the program will look and many of the features.

Pattern Decoder isn't live yet, but is in the works. Consider this a Proof of Concept in which the vision is worked through, but it's not ready for prime time just yet. If this concept interests you, please Follow us and join our Facebook group to share your feedback and some patterns you'd like to see in Pattern Decoder.

Once you select a pattern, Pattern Decoder lists out the inputs so you can personalize your pattern. From colors to item sizes to needle sizes, you enter the values that you're using and then watch how they appear and/or are worked into the pattern.

In the example here, two of the colors and the small needle size are visible in the next two images.

Parameters that can be entered

On the pattern detail page, below, the pattern is laid out and accessed via tabs for each section or part of the pattern (e.g. front, back, right sleeve).

Within each tab, there are more tabs, breaking up the pattern into manageable parts, repeats, etc. Each tab has a progress bar to show the percent of rows completed for that tab (or groups of tabs).

Pattern repeats are listed along with pattern repeat rows. Stitch counts per row are listed along with stitch count changes per row.

Mark your progress as you go by clicking on the Progress box for a completed row and watch the row turn gray. Hover over a row and that row turns bright green and the font is enlarged to make it easier to focus on the current row.

Notice that some of the entries made above are worked into the pattern: Cream is used in row 53 and Slate Blue and US5 are both used in row 55.

Detail of features 1

All sizing details and 'At The Same Time' instructions are worked right into the pattern row details, so no need to track them separately. Repeats within a pattern row are highlighted yellow or dark green to make it easier to find the entire repeat.

And, there's a built-n legend for terms used in the pattern row detail, so you don't have to look up terms that you're not familiar with - just click on the plus button. Links to videos demonstrating stitches are included as well.

Detail of features 2

Pattern Decoder is not live yet, but we're getting closer each day. If you'd like to follow along with the progress, weigh in on decisions, suggest patterns and be part of the fun, Follow us!

Thanks for visiting Pattern Decoder!